About horse-power and Tai Chi 'chi-power'
Taoists believe Chi is the fundamental entity making up the whole universe.
Everything in the universe results from movement and change of Chi.
Hua To's (140-208 A.C??) "Frolics of the Five Animals".
'Chi Kung' is part of China's cultural heritage, one of its national treasures.
Chi Kung (qi gong) is formed by 2 Chinese characters:
Chi (= fundamental energy) -- Kung (= practice, work)
Millions of Chinese practice Chi Kung daily,
soft Chi Kung, hard Chi Kung, static Chi Kung, dynamic Chi Kung.
Which does not aim to burn Chi, but to generate, store, and reinforce it.

Horse-power has nothing to do with Tai Chi power.
Horse-power is external power generated by muscles.
Tai Chi chi power is internal power generated by 'chi'.
Horse power is limited, while chi power is not.
We can develop this famous 'chi power'.
Wasted chi.
Photo : Hugolorent
This must be Belgium.
The horse (ma) symbolizes great power, speed and perseverance.
But, in this case
there is no intention, no united forces, no target,
no power of mind. No power of intention.
There is no power of mind over matter.
Wasted chi !
What happens if you waste energy ?
Then it will remain wasted.
Once you waste it, there is no way to get it back.
"Use the intention of the mind to move the Chi".
(Tai Chi Classics)
Nobody profits from wasted chi.
It is said that Chi is life-giving physical - spiritual energy that circulates in the whole Universe, Chi exists in the mind, and
the whole universe exists in the mind of all. The Classics say : "Your mind is the universe, and the universe is your mind". The
power of the mind (Yi) can be described in different ways; this picture could be a sign that there is real work to be done (see
I Ching = Yi Jing: hexagram 48), and hope it will help to understand how to use the intention - the power of mind (Yi)- to move and
refocus the Chi.
The great difference between internal and external martial arts is that external martial artists use physical force -horse power (Li)-
to move the chi. Internal martial artists, on the other hand, use the mind (Yi) to move the Chi. The word "Yi" makes a world of
difference, when the Yi is generated on a target we are talking about "the power of intention", what means the power of mind over matter.
Mind power is infinite, and therefore it plays an important role in all internal martial arts. In Tai Chi Chuan we use Yi to move and
direct the Chi. The goal of moving slowly is to insure and to correct the intention (Yi).
In Tai Chi Chuan the primary purpose is to stimulate the chi flow.
When your mind is empty the chi cycle will run centrelines
on the front side(Ren mo)and on the back side(Du mo) of head and torso.
Amazing things!
"Master your chi! Move objects with chi power without touching them, move an object with your eyes only,
lift a bowl of water with Yin chi, repel bird with Yang chi, dogs with your eyes only, extinguish a candle flame
with your eyes!"
Well, if you really could do all the amazing things listed above, then you are part time lover full time fool.
Once the chi can circulate according this 'small circulation',
chi flows trough arms and legs(grand circulation),
into all the meridians benefiting health.
When performing the form slowly, chi will circulate powerful
according the 'small circulation (Shao Chou Tien)' and
trough the 'grand circulation (Da Chou Tien)' thereby benefiting health.
That's what we call”
Tai Chi inner chi power".
Tai Chi classics: About Chi
How older the chi, how better the chi.
The idea of chakras as understood in Eastern philosophy, in religion and medicine does not exist in Western medical science. However chakras are so-called energy centers that form a powerful working link between our physical, our mental and our spiritual body. They are indispensable to good physical, emotional and mental health. 'Chakra' is a Sanskrit word for spinning wheel, chakras do resemble a wheel. Like the tires on a car, balanced chakras help the body function efficiently and powerful. But chakras may close forever, what means some adults may not fully function. A way to balance chakras is Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan etc...
Indian Yogic teachers assign to seven major chakras according to traditional Indian medicine but Taoism on the other hand
teaches that there are three types of energy known as "the three treaures". There is the energy of the
(stored in the third eye), there is vital energy (stored in the solar plexus), and there is
generative energy (stored in the tantien).
In the back along the spine (Do-mo) are three important orifice-points: the coccyx pass,
the clipping pass and the spine pass.
In front of the human body (Ren-mo) are three important energy fields (chakras): the spiritual upper energy field
(shen), the vital middle elixir field (chi), and the lower generative elixir field (jing).
Shen, chi and jing are "The Three Taoistic Treasures".
CV 1 (Hui Yin) located in the center of the perineum, between the anus and the scrotum or between the anus and the
posterior labial commissure, is a main point for chi drawing.
The middle spot (upper energy field-shen) between the two eyes is Yin Tan, in which at the very beginning of
'Tai Chi body-mind disciplining' you should settle your mind.
Calm the heart-chi (middle vital energy field). The heart operates in a constant style of permanently diffusing all
sorts of ideas, thoughts and intentions of your monky mind. So, reduce your mind to inner stillness and emptiness and
your heart-chi follows your mind. Don't waste your energy (heart chi).
Later on fix the mind upon the lower elixir field (tantien), so as the mind will touch nothing, and the boundless tract
of the heart will be purged of your emotional shit. When your heart is liberated, when your mind is empty, your chi will run
freely according the small circulation (Shau Chou Tien) and the grand circulation (Da Chou Tien). That's what we call
"inner chi power". When we are liberated and free, when chi (qi) runs free, then we are powerful.